This is truly outrageous. RTAG has received information from NARSOL that the US Government has awarded a certificate of commendation to countries that make a concerted effort to turn away registrants.
The Philippines and Mexico are countries of note. That is why we are engaging with
Human Rights lawyers in Mexico and Philippines.
Paul Rigney
Exdecutive Director
Registrant Travel Action Group, Inc
Can you contact me regarding this? I know many people in the Philippines, lawyers and in the government. Thanks!
Can I have your contact information in order to present a situation to you for assistance?
Janet, if you have any information on the Philippines and relief there I would really appreciate it. I’m working with a lawyer to bring my wife and son here to the U.S. but it’s been a long and uphill process.
Were you anle to get your wife and son over here? I hope so
Do you know any law firms that will help my fiance in the US, whose a RSO, to get him off the Blacklist Order here in the Philippines? He was not allowed to get here last 2016. He stayed in the airport till the next day and off to his flight back to US. We are hoping to find a law firm that can actually helped him off the Blacklist Order. His conviction made him be registered but it ain’t against minor like what they fear of allowing to enter Philippines.
I’m being denied entry into the Philippines to marry the woman I love very much. I have no intention of going to night clubs I just want to marry and build a house and have a garden. it’s my girlfriends dream to have her own home and start a small business so that she can provide for her family.
but because I’m on the SOR. list the philippine government will not allow me to come there. I was accused of touching for lustful purposes. Yes it hurts not being able to spend the rest of my life with the woman I love and it hurts have to break up with her as I’m the only support she has and I know that she will end up working in as a bar girl.
so in reality the law’s are hurting the philippine economy and women there more than the SOR. I know that my girlfriend will end up as a prostitute in a bar and it’s the philippine government who caused her to go back to selling her body.
I am going to help you…but it will be expensive to do what I did. But if you want to marry her and live there bad enough here is what you do.
Move to a country that allows RSO to enter who have the 90 day MULTIPLE ENTRY VISA when you arrive, AND WHO DO NOT HAVE AN RSO LAW!!! Or apply online. This way, every 90 days, you cross the border to a neighbor country and stay another 90 days in the 1st country. WHY? BECAUSE YOU WILL TELL THE RSO DEPT IN YOUR AREA THAT YOU ARE MOVING TO THAT COUNTRY! They HAVE NO WAY TO ENFORCE THE RSO LAWS ON ANOTHER COUNTRY THAT HAS NO RSO LIST! (eg. MOROCCO). And they cannot call them to inform them. Who will they call, what city in Morocco? what locale? See my point? Move to Morocco but DO NOT tell Morocco you are “moving” there (because technically you are not!) as YOU ARE JUST A TOURIST WITH A MULTIPLE ENTRY VISA AS YOU WANT TO “INVEST” IN THEIR ECONOMY AS A TOURIST (eg SHOPPING!). They will grant it, they did for me and I am a LEVEL 2 VIOLENT OFFENDER when I was 18. I am 52 now and have been to 49 countries. In Morocco PEOPLE DO NOT CARE that you are an RSO! On the 89th day mark, cross over into ALGERIA for 1-2 days to “shop”. Or fly to Barcelona, SPAIN or take a ferry! Then return to Morocco for another 90 days!!
NOW, here is the beauty…ONCE YOU ARE NO LONGER A REGISTRANT ON THAT DAMNABLE RSO LIST INTERPOL AND GAURDIAN ANGEL DWEEBS HAVE NO WAY TO TRACK YOU!!!! YOU CAN RELOCATE TO ANY COUNTRY YOU WANT AFTER MOROCCO AND WHOM DO YOU REPORT TO? NOBODY!!!!! So when you buy a plane ticket, say to the PHILLIPINES, WHAT AUTHORITY WILL FOREWARN THEM OF YOUR ARRIVAL? I have a friend who works for USA IMMIGRATION and he said once you are OFF the RSO list via RELOCATION there is NO MAGICAL BUTTON ON THE COMPUTER AT IMMIGRATION WHICH SAYS, “HEY— SEX OFFENDER COMING!”. ESPECIALLY IN OTHER COUNTRIES! The REASON you get rejected is because the USA RSO DWEEBS notify that country of EVERYTHING about your trip and some JERK there who had a bad breakfast will turn you away, NOT based on their laws but JUST BECAUSE HIS BACON WAS COLD AND THE WIFE A NAG! Happened to me in Panama. INTERPOL via the USA notified them and ASKED THEM TO REJECT ME!!! I HAVE PROOF!!!!
THEN, book a ticket to the PHILLIPINES or some NEARBY country (and take a ferry or small flight—HINT helicopters do not have to file each passenger arrival) and AMAZING YOU ARE IN!!!! HOWEVER, you MUST ensure that THAT country does NOT require you to register, as if it DOES and you DO NOT obey well NOW you are in the S+IT !!!! AGAIN!!! What I am saying is NOT illegal, albeit in the eyes of the GOODY 2 SHOES it is! Or SHOULD be!!! But until they can force the hand of that country’s LAWS and GOVT you CAN LEGALLY DO THIS! I have been an EXPAT FOR OVER 5 YEARS NOW, and I will NEVER return to the USA unless forced. And if SO then it will be to HAWAII who are VERY NICE to RSO’s. NOT like FLORIDA!
LASTLY, MONEY!!! In order to do this you will need a steady source of income. Or have a RICH UNCLE as I do lol. Most countries will not allow you to work without a work visa. Spain is ok I believe. If you are to live a moderate life in Morocco you will need about $50 per day realistically. Rent is cheap but some food costs. You can survive on less, but it will be eating ALOT of bread and tea. BUT, bread and tea versus LIVING A F+CKED UP LIFE FOREVER ON A LIST THAT SHOULD BE A POST EX FACTO CRIME!!! Well, all of a sudden I LOVE BREAD!
I hope this helps. I may start a blog on this issue to help others.
p.s. SHE can come to YOU and marry YOU in USA and then you can apply to her govt for a marriage visa…but its a 50-50 shot I think.
Pat, could I please contact you about helping me? My email is
Pat. Thanks for the info. If you have proof that Interpol ask that country to reject you, you would have a legitimate lawsuit..don’t you think? Paul.. thoughts?
Would also love if this site would notify you if someone responds to your comments. I would donate more to make this happen.
Could you give some clarification on this? So is the idea to:
.Move somewhere with no SO laws
.Fill your passport pages or “have it stolen” and
.Then go to a US embassy in a country that doesn’t have SO registry and get a new one.
.By doing so your new passport when scanned will not bring up the RSO alert because the USA believes you have relocated?
Also if you ever decide to go to a country where RSO laws exist you must then tell them and be right back on the list?
This is horrifying news! My fiance is from the USA and I’m Canadian. I now sit in Mexico with my sister and without my beloved. He was turned away on Feb. 2nd this year, traumatizing experience for us, will now be separated for months. My fiance was convicted of a crime he didn’t commit due to an evil ex wife with a vendetta, I swear a novel could have been written about the corruption involved in this case. Regardless, it was nearly 30 years ago and he also managed to get off the registry in his state,(deemed unconstitutional he shouldn’t have been on it in the first place),so he doesn’t register anymore. The only way for us to be together is to move to a different country or spend 6 mths at a time in different countries, (because the US won’t even allow him the right to marry and sponsor a spouse or family member).Now with this cruel and inhumane law we are going to have to fight to avoid being separated again, and I do vow to find a way! Even if he was guilty of this crime,I believe after decades go by and there’s no unlawful activity, the debt to society has been paid. We feel robbed, there has got to be a way to stop this injustice to ones rights. My fiance is NOT a child predator, it is so sickening that he has to be treated this way, the US has made him as a second class citizen. I feel so sorry for others in this situation. I believe it may be only a matter of time before the government will start restricting more travel for others in general.Thanks for listening as I ramble on. I am just so outraged and terrified of this unchecked power of government.
I completely understand Lupe. I travelled to Jamaica with my husband for his daughters wedding my husband has an offense from 26 years ago where he was forced to plead with poor legal representation. It was traumatic!
They informed me that it is USA that made some type of agreement and pressure. We had my step daughter and her fiancé begging. It was horrible.
I feel your pain , and distress! As I am a registered sex offender until Nov. 10 2021 , and my wife and I want to travel to enjoy life , but from all the research I have done about traveling makes it difficult to even plan out where we would like to go! After my release from prison of 21 years and being successful in everything that is required of me for the past 2 and a half years , I’m still going to be restricted on having a normal life, even worse , my wife is living this nightmare with me . Laws need to change for those who have paid their debt to society!!!!
lupo32 -Did you ever get this figured out? I see this was a few years ago now. Can you clarify that he was able to be removed from the SO registry and he was STILL denied entry to Mexico? I thought If they could get off it then they would be cleared. That’s no good.
Hi, My name is Dave and i am a registered sex offender trying to travel to Mexico. I have a time share in Mexico and now i can’t travel there. I was wondering if there was anyone else out there that is having the same kind of problem. My timeshare is for 50 years. Since my plea deal that i took 9 years ago, my travel outside of the U.S has been taken away from me. I am 55 years old and would love to travel outside the U.S again with my wife.
Dave, unfortunately the only way to make it safely is by boat or cruise ship, as you will be turned away at the AirPort , I have been to mexico 10 times by cruise ship since 2013, most recently last month, but its only for the day, so not fun for a timeshare an spending time there.
I was not allowed off a cruise ship at cozumel Feb 2019.
What cruise line? Did they let you off the ship at other ports of call? I heard some of the cruise lines are not even allowing RSO to board
Were you allowed to go into any other countries when you cursed in February?
I was actually not allowed ON a Norwegian cruise ship in the first place – Port Authority denied my ticket in 2014. Luckily I was able to get a refund.
I have a RSO friend that traveled to Mexico 2 years ago with his wife. He was detained and put on the next flight back to the US. Never left the Airport. His case was minor compared to most and is now 23 years old.
What were his charges?
This exact thing just happened to me at Guadalajara. Denied entry and detained and held for 5 hours then made to leave.
Check the Travel Matrix (on this site, see link on top). It tells you where registrants are likely to be turned away, and where they are likely to enter without problems.
By the way, one way to get into a country where they tend to turn away sex offenders is to make a reservation in a resort that’s for adults only (18+). It can give plausible deniability that you are not there to commit a sex crime. It’s not guarantee to help you get into Mexico, but it’s probably your best bet.
If I was you I would resell this time share in Mexico. And try to find lodging in countries where sex offenders are still welcome, like Tahiti, Curacao, Saint martin, Aruba. Check the Travel Matrix carefully, and also know that Islands owned by European countries with no registries are all open for sex offenders. (Netherlands has 6 Islands, and you can check for Islands potentially owned by Italy, Roumania, Spain or Germany. They should be green zones for you. And surprisingly Hong-Kong still let sex offenders in.
I have. Recently travel with my family to my native country of Dominican Republic and was denied entry with out any reason y so 2 days later we try again n same thing happen I called the UN ,WASH DC ,ICE HOMELAND , STATE n got no answer to why I gave all my info n nothing pop up I have been a RSO since 1994 since I was 13yrs old I’m turning 42 now n I’m trying to travel a lot with my family where can I go with out any problem of been denied
Dave I was turned away from Mexico and Peru all back in 2016 and the hardest thing to realize is that our US government is trying to ban us registrants from international travel based on a myth of child sex trafficking and tourism being at a frightening high and that registrants with a conviction history involving children are a great risk to do harm. In my opinion, I say don’t travel internationally and don’t even try to get the unique identifier passport. Our government has boasted about how this system is working well and has commended many countries like the Philippines for taking action. Can you imagine this great madness that we’re starting to see? This is deep as the Marianas Trench.
Recommendation is to focus on Europe. Mexico is a deadend. Coast of Spain is much nicer any way
What countries in Europe allow Level 1 Sex Offenders (I am not on ANY computer registry due to New York’s Laws. I am also eligible for Section 8 and Public Housing,both of which I make too much for. I am laying in an Exclusionary Room, right now, at Don Mueang Airport in Thailand.
Remember, you may not be on a website, but you are still a registered sex offender in the FBI criminal database. That database is how countries like Canada reject ANYONE with a felony.
Hi – once you are no longer required to register as a sex offender (competed a 10 year registry sentence) does the FBI Criminal database communicate information to stop previous registrants from entering other countries?
Please let me know. I am also a RSO wife and he only has to be on the registry 10 yrs. will he then be able to travel to other places?
The FBI has a database that’s public record at:
As long as your name isn’t on there, there should be no issue. I can’t find the information anymore on Angel Watch, but that’s the specific Homeland Security department that makes the international notifications, or informs countries after the fact that an RSO has traveled there. According to their information, which again I don’t have the link for anymore, you will be automatically removed from notice list as long as you’re not registered.
As a fun exercise, you can do a FOIA request to Homeland Security and specifically ask for any and all information pertaining to you with Angel Watch. CBP also has interesting information (nothing to do with Angel Watch).
I was turned away afterflying from U.S. to london. We were passing threw on our way to Greece only for a day. I was held at the airport alone until the next flight back to the U.S. so the U.K is definitely out. We did end up on our vacatuon to Greece but had to fly from Floida to Philadelphia and take a non stop to Greece. I wish someone would post a list of where we can and cannot go now. I also have taken more than one cruise to Mexico and Cozumel w no issues however now i have been told i can no longer do that either.
I am planning a trip to st lucia. Is there anyone who has had a problem or who has been there
WHAT countries in Asia and Europe accept Sex Offenders? I am a Level 1 in New York, and am not on any public computer database. Also, because of my Level 1 status in New York, my Passport is NOT marked with the Sex Offender Identification! STILL, since the 6th of March, I have been excluded from the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand – I am currently laying in the Exclusionary Room at Don Mueang International Airport in Bangkok.
As I spent so much on travel and Exclusionary Rooms, I could not afford a ticket all the way back to New York City, where I had just packed up and left, so I booked a flight to Hawaii (HNL), where I will stay ’til the first of the month when I get my next 100% Service Connected Disability Direct Deposit from the Veterans Administration.
I am begining to think that the only way I will be able to see the whole world again is to go back sailing around this rock we live, and just slip a hundred dollar bill into my Passport everytime I enter a new country, so that they will just stamp it, and not scan it! WTF!!!?
your registered but not on a public site? is that what your sayin…
Has anyone read the article stating that all U.S. citizens will need to register before traveling to Europe starting in 2021. I wonder what effect this will have on U.S registrants travel to the schengen area?
@MM yes it is true that starting 01JAN2021 all US citizens must apply for a visa :
There is a specific page that spells out the process for those with criminal records:
Read these pages and see for yourself. Knowledge is power. Good luck
Yes it is a visa process so we’ll have to see if they still allow RSO’s to be allowed to visit
Did you fly directly from the US to Thailand/Singapore/Philippines (aka a final destination)? NYC –> HNL –> Thailand (final destination). That won’t work as the US will notify all the places on your itinerary.
I would have flown to Europe or Hong Kong (known to let SOs in) and let that be my “final destination” — tell the US this is your planned destination. Then fly to those aforementioned countries.
However, I do not plan on ever coming back to the States. I believe this will work.
Hi. can a registered sex offender sponsor for a fiance visa?
@Sarah It all depends on the nature of the crime. If the sponsor was convicted of a “specified offence against a minor” then no, as per the AWA of 2006. Good luck.
Hi Sarah,
My husband is a RSO and he was able to sponsor me for my green card. It wasn’t as “easy” as it would would have been for a non-RSO but we still managed to get approved
Hi Sarah, can you tell your story and how you got approved
Hi Viv, can you tell your story and how you got approved
Viv D.
Which attorney did you work with to go through the approval process. Did he have a conviction against a minor? I know the process is long and not easy….any insight would be appreciated.
Has anyone got a dual citizenship for Mexico , and is it true it’s easier to walk through the border instead of flying ?
Yes, it is very easy to walk across the Mexican border, especially in places where the immigration office is not located at the border. In these places it will be located on a main road at the end of the “free zone,” which is usually a few miles past the border. If you have a problem it will be when you must go through immigration. There you may face the same problem as in an airport. Though your success will depend on many different factors because it is Mexico after all. If you circumvent immigration you will likely be detained and turned around at one of the many checkpoints in the interior of the country.
I would to see this question answered also
Heres the deal with the passports and the marked verbiage, My passport expired 2 years ago and I was issued a new one (prior to the law being put into effect) I received a new one without any markings obviously and local LE only had my old passport number. I traveled out of the country the last 2 years without any problems, Last month I arrived back from the Bahamas and I was asked why my passport number wasn’t matching up to the number customs get when I arrive back into the united states (You know how we are always pulled aside at customs) I then gave local LE my new number, this is when I got a letter in the mail 3 weeks later saying my passport has been revoked by the US DEPT OF STATE. The minute local Law Enforcement has your passport number they type it in the system, and If you don’t have the “marked” passport it will be revoked very soon!!! SO those of you not having “the marked passport” yet, local LE may not have the correct number in their system!!
I had zero issues with the Bahamas last May for our honeymoon. My passport is valid through 2021 and does NOT have any sort of designator on it. I was pulled aside when entering back into the US just to confirm details of our trip, 5-10 minutes tops and no issues. I reported my trip to local law enforcement and gave them an itinerary as well as my passport information a month prior to leaving. A year has now gone by and there have been no notices in the mail concerning my passport.
Bahamas Cruise. I took a Carnival cruise, five nights, to Bahamas, and I am a Level 1. No problems at all, until coming back into USA Customs…they took me off the line, went thru my bags, asked me to open my phone to the Picture Gallery…All clean, no problem, but a total of thirty minute delay. One note: Guys, do not have any dumb or embarrassing pics on your phone…they will open it and look.
Did you give 21 days advance notice of travel to the Bahamas?
Yes I did give the required 21 day advance notice, to NY
What was the probable cause to look at your phone? Was being an RSO reason enough? If you think it was, you just had your rights violated. Your criminal history is not probable cause to look anywhere. Probable cause must be something greater than your criminal record. There is long established case law on this.
Well then US customs must do this a lot cause on our first cruise I had my camera and my computer searched by customs when we restiveness to the United States. Those two items had nothing to do with my husband and they were still searched.
Has Aruba been turning back sex offenders? I wanna go there.
Hi Johnny. Did you end up going to Aruba?
My husband is a sex offender who did not commit any crime but had a lawyer who didn’t do his job. and his PO told him that he has to get a new passport with the stamp on the last page. He has dual citizenship : Brasilian and American. Will the federal police in Brasil allow him to enter Brasil because he is brasilian. All his family is there. He is 70 years Lud and is so depressed. I am afraid that he might hurt himself if they refuse him entry. He is also bipolar and has many physical and mental issues. Will he be allowed into hiscountry? Please help. We are desperate and his lawyer doesn’t know.
This is as illegal as hell and if it turns out it’s not it should be. America should be glad we are traveling to foreign countries because it increases the odds that one day we might live somewhere else and not come back.
Does anyone know about Travel to Jordan or Israel? My husband is an RSO but we want to do a holy land tour
Both countries are good. Might get questioned at Israel but this is actually a normal procedure. They do it to anyone regardless.
Would like to apply for dual citizenship for my husband, who is on the register list. He was born in Mexico but was adopted. Any advice?
I’m not finding myself on the registry
I was planning a trip to the Bahamas with my wife to visit friends who live there. My passport was issued in 2015 and expires in 2025. I called the Passport Office and they called me back after a week and told me I didn’t need the identifier on this passport but it would be on my next one after 2025. I just called the Bahama Embassy in Washington DC, and was told I would most likely be turned away. The gentleman told me it was because of the pressure the US is putting on the Bahamas, and also that if he were a RSO from Bahama the US would not let him in. He did state that my friend could go to the immigration office and request my entry, and that he would be responsible for me. But no guarantees.
Is there a difference between a SO and a RSO in being turned away by a country? I have been removed from the registry so I assume I do not need to give notice to travel. Will the country know that I am a SO (my passport is not marked)?
I am also interested on any recent attempts to go to Colombia.
I took a trip to Columbia a few months ago, not knowing about the change, and I still had my old passport. I was traveling with me fiancée, who was going to be a bridesmaid at a wedding.
At the incoming customs, they already had my photo, picked me out, pulled me out of line, wouldn’t let my fiancée near me or the questioning officer, and were rather rude.
They wouldn’t answer any questions or tell me what was going on. They immediately took me to an airline counter, and an agent handed me a return ticket back to the States.
I never left the room where everyone lines up, and was only in-country less than 1/2 an hour, and at least half of that was waiting for the return flight. It was zip-zip-Zoom, and I was deported.
Very sorry about that Kristoph. Please fill out that information
on the web site under travel experiences. We capture that info for other registrants and
future legal efforts. I also recommend you contact the
Colombian Ministry of Immigration and make a complaint, specifically stating that
your human rights have been violated. I also recommend you contact your congressional
representative and make a formal complaint.
Paul Rigney
ARUBA–January 21 to 28, 2020
My passport would not scan on the self service machines upon arrival in Aruba, of course, so I was sent to a human to scan and he saw my info, called a supervisor over and he led me into a private area just asking why I was there (for a convention) and where I was staying and for how long (1 week) and whether I was traveling alone. Gave him all of that info and that I was traveling with my wife. He went into a room and came back in about 5 minutes and took me back to the human scan guy and said something in Dutch or Spanish and the guy then stamped my passport and embarkation card and handed it to the other officer who handed it to me and said “Welcome to Aruba. Enjoy your stay.” That was the extent of the questioning, which was nothing much,really.
On 1/28/2020 we fly back and of course same deal with passport not scanning on Aruba side. Lady officer got on phone with someone and after 5-10 minute conversation, waived me on through. Same issue with US customs (you clear US Customs in Aruba) and not questions but did send us with our luggage to be scanned again and asked simple questions about any fruit of nuts in it or did we buy anything over $ 1,000 and answers were no sir to all questions. Never opened luggage and went on our merry way.
Overall the trip to Aruba was very easy with very little hassle or inconvenience.
I have been removed from the registry and would like to know how this impacts international travel. I’m assuming that I do not need to give 21 day notice? And if so, how would the country I’m going to know that I have a sex offense.
Also has anyone had any experience trying to go to Colombia?
Is Greece available for a rso level 1 . Trip would be honeymoon .
I moved out of the U.S. over a year ago and am NOT registered in any State. I have no plans of moving back. Since I am not registered in any State, am I still considered a R.S.O.? Can I receive a new passport without the identifier in it?
Where did you move?
We are trying to move just not sure where we can be let in.
I know as long as we live in the USA he has to register…
We want to move and raise our kids somewhere without the required annual registration.
This is ridiculous he had sex 30 years ago and has to pay for life…
He was 18 she was 14 they were together always etc as a couple (he turned 18 and the dad “turned him in” no force or nothing but her dad hated him so here we are…
Anyway where can we move???
Didn’t you answer this on your own. You are “not registered in any state….” so why would you be a RSO? That’s just how I would interpret it.
I’m not sure why people think every country in the world “knows” you have a record unless you tell them. If I had a criminal record in Iraq for illegal shearing of sheep on Sunday and I had to register as an “illegal sheep shearer,” do you think every country in the world would know of such thing?
Planning a trip to Aruba, I feel confident from what I read and its not on the RSO travel matrix as a denial spot, but was anyone denied entry into Aruba?
My husband is a level 3 RSO. We vacationed in Aruba in November 2019. Leaving Aruba he was pulled in the office at the airport and questioned, but they were very nice about it. 15 minutes later we were on our way
Is the RTAG matrix only true for those with the SO Identifier or have a crime involving a minor?
I do not have a case against a minor so I feel like I would not have the red stamp. I would like to try flying to a non-SO friendly country – not directly of course. I’d fly to Europe somewhere first… get off the registry… then fly to say Korea.
Anyone have thoughts or experiences?
Are registered sex offenders allowed entrance into the Maldives? My husband is a level 3 registrant and we need more information on this. Please help
You can get into mexico at the Tijuana border if you drive. If you walk or fly customs will stop you but you can still drive in. If they stop you just try the next day. Then there is an airport in Tijuana you can use. You could probably drive into other ports of entry as well.
Have you done this before and also how was it coming back into the US? Were you held up at all?
Im still not a rso but by the looks of my case I may be falsely convicted. My parents are both Mexican what If I become a Mexican citizen would I be allowed to travel to Mexico as a rso if I end up getting convicted? Would Mexico deny entry to a Mexican citizen? I would have dual citizenship. Thanks in advance
Any advice on travel to Greece?
Looking to go to Playa Del Carmen through Cozumel with my boss to spread my other bosses ashes. I’ll be off of supervision (for child enticement) three weeks before the trip—after having served 10 years probation with no violations. I’ll still be on the (WI) registry for 15 years. Any advice or warnings for this location? Is it truly just a luck of the draw in terms of the border patrol/customs agent I deal with?
The interesting part is that most occurred after 2 men who moved out of the USA.
Just went to cozumel with my family,im a rso low risk,paid my debt 3yrs,been free since 2005 without issues,got into ministry,and was invited by other family members to take a vaca in cozumel..hundreds of dollars on tickets,passports and hotels..only to be hauled into Mexico office and took all my info,and put me back on the plane back to the states, wife and 12yr old daughter was crying,I told authorities to leave em here and ill go back,I will not let them lose thier vacation time due to my history..America opens borders to allow whatever to come through,but all the while,a rso who has his paperwork all in order to only get denied,smh..sad..I will stay in the states and go to Hawaii or Virginia islands..backward agenda for sure..God bless yall
Can a registered sex offender travel to st marteen.
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I think what you said made a great deal of sense. However, what about this?
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I mean Proof the US Government is instructing and rewarding Countries to turn away Registrants – Registrant Travel Action Group
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You might add a video or a pic or two to grab people excited about everything’ve got to say.
Just my opinion, it would make your website a little livelier.
As a RSO, I have successfully driven across the border into Mexico with no issues one time (to Rocky Point), however, I was unsuccessful in traveling to Cancun via plane. And I don’t know if my successful border crossing was just dumb luck. My question: does anyone have experience in driving across the border via Tijuana & then flying within Mexico? There shouldn’t be any immigration to deal with in theory, correct? I need to get to Mexico City for a work trip & it’s a 38 hour trip by bus. Any insights are appreciated.
Does anyone have dual citizenship with Mexico? I received mine without issue and would like to travel to Cancun for vacation.
I’m an RSO (female, yes female), and a dual citizenship thanks to my parents. Could I be denied entry with a Mexican passport?
I think the airport staff in Tijuana will ask to see your visa (the automatic 180 days everyone else gets upon arrival) before you board an airplane. when I have flown domestically in Mexico (but not TJ) staff has asked to see it. By chance I’ve flew into Oaxaca four times in 2018 and 2019 and did not have problems. I’m sure I would have been turned away at MEX or one of the big tourist destinations. I’ve wondered if a hundred-dollar bill happened to be in my passport I’d be allowed into Cancun for example but I’ve never tried it. As a side note, the first time I walked across the border at TJ I went into the “USA citizen” line and was turned back. After a very unpleasant woman did the paperwork a guy cop said to walk back again after 30 minutes and go through the “mexican” line. I don’t look latino at all but I did it with zero problems. There is a commuter train that stops 100 yards or so from the border and I just joined a group of day workers that were returning home.
Thanks for finally talking about > Proof the US Government is instructing and rewarding Countries to turn away Registrants – Registrant
Travel Action Group < Liked it!